Take to the Skies:A Haikyuu Zine

Take to the Skies is a zine themed around Haikyuu characters in a Dragonriders AU.Our project is complete as of Jan. 2nd, 2024


Interest Check: April 5th to April 30th
Mod Applications: April 14th to April 30th
Contributor Applications: May 4th to June 1st
Contributor Results: June 13th
Creation Period: July to November
Preorders: January 1st - February 5th 2023
Production: Mid-Feburary 2023
Shipping: Fall 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the zine's theme?
This zine is themed around any and all of the Haikyuu characters in a Dragonriders AU: whether they're the riders, warriors, royalty, or the dragons themselves. There isn't a specific brand or type of dragonriders that we're looking for in this zine; any Haikyuu characters as dragonriders in any context is allowed!
What is the zine's rating?
We will be offering both general and mature material in our zine.
We will accept ships and relationships, but won't accept explicit smut. We will accept gore/violence up to a Mature rating, but won't accept anything that would warrant an Explicit or 18+ rating.
Will this zine be digital or physical?
We will be including both digital and physical copies of our zine for purchase. Shipping will be done in collaboration by two of our mods, one based in the US and one based in the EU for the respective orders.
What are the application guidelines?
Please see our Rules page for more in-depth information about applications and guidelines. We will be looking for a total of 17 page artists, 6-7 writers, and 5 merch artists.
What merch will be included?
We will be including options for both digital and physical merch, including but not limited to wallpapers, icons, charms, stickers, etc.
Is this zine for profit or for charity?
Our zine will be for charity.


All contributors must be over 18 at the time of application.Contributors must refrain from posting their works until after the shipping period has concluded, at which point the zine is no longer exclusive.Previous zine experience is not required to apply.Haikyuu content is encouraged, and at least one sample is required, in any portfolios and applications.Artist, writer and merch applicant guidelines can be found here.Find links for our twitter, curiouscat, and tumblr pages below.

Wing Leaders

Previous Experience:
Set the Stage Zine (Writing & Beta Support)
Osamu Big Bang (SocMed & Organisation)
Tokyo Teams Exchange (Writing & Organisation)
Binu has been dreaming about seeing our favourite characters interact with our favourite magical creatures: dragons. They’re such fantastic creatures --ones that have a very special place in her heart-- and the bond between them and their riders goes beyond just trust.

Binu (she/they)

Writing & Beta Support

Charly Lee (she/they)

Finance & Organisation

Previous Experience:
Passing the Torch Zine (Head, Organisation, SocMed Mod & Finance Assist)
From The Ashes Zine (Finance and Production Intern, Organisation and SocMed Assist)
GilgaZine (Finance Mod)
IwaOi Big Bang (Head, Orga, SocMed Mod)
Charly Lee loves all things dragons: big dragons, tiny dragons, scaly dragons, fluffy dragons, it doesn’t matter. Wether they are old and wise or just sassy gremlins, dragons are always there for their riders. After all, these fleshy, fragile humans do make for great pets and even better gossip.

Previous Experience:
HQ Murder Mystery Zine (Layout & Formatting Mod)
Ceela firmly believes that dragon and rider relationships are like having a cat: you don’t own them, since they’re 100% their own being who chooses to stay because they want to. Another thing they firmly believe is in the magic of How to Train Your Dragon, a very significant part of their childhood.

Ceela (they/them)

Formatting & Layout

Mika (she/her)

Art & Artist Support

Previous Experience:
HQ x PJO Big Bang (Head, Art & SocMed Mod)
Mika is thrilled to be part of this project and is even more excited to see all the pretty art pieces and fics people create! She believes that the only thing that slaps harder than the bond riders and dragons have (namely mutual trust and respect for their relationship) is the soundtrack from the How to Train Your Dragon movies.

Previous Experience:
Staycation Zine (Shipping Mod)
Flying High: A BnHA Bang (SocMed Mod)
Darkwish Guild: A BnHA Pro-Fiction Event Hub (Bilingual Mod)
Renee can’t wait for all the beautiful, fantastical content from this zine. She’s a certified archery instructor (which would surely come in handy if she had her own dragon) and loves to see the trust and support that is necessary as dragons and their riders fly through the skies.

Renee (she/her)

SocMed & Organisation

Graphics duties will be performed in a collaboration by all mods.
When it comes to our physical zine and merch, shipping will be handled by Mod Renee (NA and international orders) and Mod Charly (EU and international orders).